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March 2021
Juror Statement : Ben Blackwood


 BRICKHOUSE is an appreciation of our wood kilns, the time we spend stoking them, and how that time spent impacts the work we make. Strong forms that were clearly informed by and made for the wood firing process were chosen over pieces that were “lucky” enough to catch good flashing or a nice drip. Intelligent use of clay bodies, slips, and glazes that reflected knowledge of and experience with wood kilns were favored over surfaces that could have been created using other, less intensive processes. My favorite works were from those of you who boldly stepped forward with the crunch and the grit, who exposed the interiors of clay bodies and embraced the wood kilns ability to erode our clays and deteriorate our glaze. Compelling forms and mature surfaces come together as we pay homage to the structures we use to bring our work to fruition, extensions of our studios, each and everyone’s own BRICKHOUSE.

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