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Kelly Cox and Eric Mullis

 Artist Statement

During the stay-at-home order we began working on a series of tools: shovels, fire extinguishers, scuba tanks, face shields, breathing apparatuses etc... Everyday items that provide a degree of control and safety. By remaking them as surreal and non-functional sculptures, these tools have become a metaphor for the tension between our desire for connection, safety, and control in our daily lives. During this quiet time at home, we have been rethinking the connection to each other, nature, and work





We are a collaborative artist team whose primary medium is Ceramics. We both received our BFAs (Ceramics) from The University of Montana, Missoula in 2007 and our MFAs (Interdisciplinary) from Boise State University in 2015. We currently work from our home studio and teach Ceramics and Sculpture at Boise State University and College of Western Idaho. We have exhibited our work in juried, solo, and collaborative shows across the United States including at Pottery Northwest, NCECA, The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, and Blue Line Arts. 




Instagram: @kellycox127 @emuart

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