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Mary Krochmalny

January 2022


I watch the puddles grow
as the sun’s eyes exhale in flirtation, tucking herself deeper beneath the hill the one that catches canyons in its rippled ribcage

She’s falling asleep now but still humming

to the tune of yesterdays chickadee bathing in the deepening shallows

The lingering light whispers at 6 I wonder,

as a lazy breath warms those hairs behind my neck,
what did it feel like catching eyes with my sunflowers in full bloom?

the season passing, thick wind pressing a heavy head Tumble, trip, spill, topple

return today,

keep my mind straight,
I’ll make sure to say hello
and slip a pebble between each toe if I find em
tucked in mud.





Mary Krochmalny grew up alongside the Cascade mountains of Washington, fingers painted and lips licked by blackberries, she dreams of orca whales and owls. She left the lush landscape to study Textile Design from Rhode Island School of Design with a focus on the tactile process of weaving and natural dying. She is curious of the many parallels between fiber and clay. Both mediums lend themselves to an infatuation with materials and encourage a dance between physical interaction, mental meditation, and spiritual blossoming.

Since graduating, Mary has migrated between Rhode Island, North Carolina, Washington, Montana, working as an upholstery designer for Valdese Weavers, textile specialist at Olson Kundig, and outreach and development coordinator for Rockland Residency. Mary is currently focusing primarily on her own art here in Missoula as a post-bacc resident at the University of Montana.

Find Mary with a cup of Damiana tea, talking about horses and sunsets. Her best friend is tabby cat, Niko

Mary was a resident at Wildfire Ceramic studio from October 2020 to August 2021.

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